01-02-25 Today I made a webpage. Happy new year!
01-03-25 Today I made another webpage!
01-05-2025 Today I made the website live! Welcome to the Grand Opening of Femboy Fisticuffs dot com, or the Fistiblog. My reasons for creating this site are various and deeply personal. I want a place that is safe and free, and with the understanding that such a place must be cultivated meticulously rather than simply found, I'm in the process of forging that place. I hope so, anyway.
01-12-25 Today the website becomes fully realized! I put a lot of work in getting the site in working order today. The biggest hurdle was formatting it for mobile, which took actual hours. I also have a domain, too! femboyfisticuffs.com is real at last. Anyway, I just survived both a State of Emergency and a local infrustructure crisis. Apparently three inches of snow is enough to cripple a water treatment plant supplying hundreds of thousands. Regular Monday in Richmond. By the way, Ethan's a bitch.